Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Conclusion of Bipolar Toolkit

Have you noticed how each of these 3 tools builds on the one before it?
Use all 3 in the sequence they have been presented for maximum results. For example:
1. Start mood charting immediately. If it seems like too much trouble, choose the simplest chart. Then start including more details as you become more familiar with the technique and the habit becomes ingrained as part of your daily routine.
2. Review your mood charts with your spouse, psychiatrist or other trusted supporter. Start identifying any patterns and developing insight into your own personal stressors, triggers and early warning signs.
3. Use this information as input into your Wellness Plan and document your unique, individual list of triggers, early warnings signs, and “stay well strategies”, taking into account both mania and depression.
4. This same information about your stressors, triggers, and warning signs can be used as input for your Treatment Contract.
5. Your Treatment Contract requires additional information about your signs of wellness, more serious symptoms, and more extreme strategies that may need to be used if a serious episode of mania or depression develops. (Even with the best Wellness Plan, you still need to prepare for this possibility, even though your Wellness Plan can be so powerful in helping to prevent episodes from escalating.)
6. Gather this extra information through your mood charting and through open discussions with your medical team and loved ones.

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